De nouveaux fragments des manuscrits de la mer Morte ont récemment été mis à la disposition du public. Ils font l’objet de deux publications : Tov, Davis, Duke, Dead Sea Scrolls Fragments in the Museum Collection (Brill, 2016) et Elvin, Langlois, Davis, Gleanings from the Caves: Dead Sea Scrolls and Artefacts from the Schøyen Collection (T.& T. Clark, 2016).

The work on these fragments was conducted under the auspices of the Museum of the Bible Scholars Initiative, whose mission is to publish research conducted collaboratively by scholar-mentors and students. The ultimate goal is to provide students with the opportunity to develop as scholars under the guidance of their scholar-mentors.This volume contains thirteen previously unpublished Dead Sea Scrolls fragments, twelve Hebrew Bible fragments and one non-biblical fragment, presented with the full scholarly apparatus and advanced reconstruction techniques. The books from the Hebrew Bible are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Jonah, Micah, Psalms, Daniel, and Nehemiah. The latter is an especially important addition to known material. The non-biblical fragment probably represents a new copy of 4QInstruction. Source : Brill

This special edition large format LSTS volume presents, over half of them for the first time, ten biblical and five non-biblical fragments from the Judean Desert. The text features 42 photographs of the fragments. The publication of seven new fragments from the Judean Desert will supplement the Discoveries in the Judean Desert series and bring new material to scholars regarding the full textual situation. Two of the new biblical fragments suggest the preservation of substantial textual variants. The new Aramaic fragment reveals the use of interesting linguistic forms. Source : Bloomsbury
Pour Eibert Tigchelaar, qui a établi une liste de 72 fragments de provenance inconnue apparus après 2002, certains de ces manuscrits pourraient être des faux (voir par ici ; et sur les « fausses reliques » voir ici également) et tous ne seraient pas de Qumrân même, mais d’autres secteurs du désert judéen, dont peut-être des caves inconnues de la communauté scientifique. Ce qui est réjouissant, c’est que des fouilles sont prévues, dès décembre, à la recherche de nouveaux manuscrits ou artefacts.
More undiscovered scrolls are likely hidden in the Judean Desert, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) said, adding that looters are probably already finding them. Last year, the antiquities authority launched a series of surveys and excavations in the Judean desert to try to find caves that may contain undiscovered scrolls.
« For years now our most important heritage and cultural assets have been excavated illicitly and plundered in the Judean Desert caves for reasons of greed, » Miri Regev, Israel’s Minister of Culture and Sports, said in a statement. « The goal of the national plan that we are advancing is to excavate and find all of the scrolls that remain in the caves, once and for all, so that they will be rescued and preserved by the state. »
A team led by Randall Price, a professor at Liberty University in Virginia, and Oren Gutfeld, a researcher with the Hebrew University Institute of Archaeology in Jerusalem, will lead an excavation of one cave in the Judean Desert, which is set to begin in December.
That cave was partially excavated in the past, but « much remains to be excavated, including two wings of the cave at the back. There is always the possibility of finding scroll fragments because this cave, as well as others, shows signs of habitation from the time when the Qumran community who produced the scrolls was active, » Price said.
Even if no scrolls are discovered, the remains of any artifacts Price and the team find can help archaeologists learn more about life at the time the Dead Sea Scrolls were written, Price said.
Source : LiveScience
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